For the past years, there are several robot movies that have captured the hearts of the audience. Movies about robots are getting popular because of the latest innovation. This may also mean that they love the fact that robots in real life will be like the robots that they see in movies.

There are already many robots that took protagonist roles in the past. Perhaps you have thought about your favorite robots in movies. Well, here is a list of the people’s favorite robots in movies that might also be your favorites.

7Robby the Robot

Robby The Robot
Robby The Robot

From the movie Forbidden Planet, Robby the Robot is one of the characters that made the audience feel excited when it was shown in the theaters. This robot was 7 feet tall and indestructible. A lot of people remembered Robby for a long time because he made cameo appearances in various movies, such as Wonder Woman and The Twilight Zone. In addition, the distinctive appearance influenced robot designs for years.