4Mobile Robots

Source: China Xinhua News Twitter

If it is impossible for people to go to a particular place, this is where mobile robots come in. This type of robot is able to move and search in different areas. Mobile robots are highly used to search for survivors in collapsed buildings because people cannot go, especially if the areas are still too dangerous. Just a trivia, NASA also makes use of mobile robots in roaming surfaces in the outer space like the Mars Explorer that roams the surface of Mars.

This type of robot can be further divided into two categories, which are walking and rolling robots. These two categories are used depending on the area that needs to be searched. If the terrain is rocky, it means that it is difficult to enter the area using robots with wheels. Thus, the best to use are walking robots, which usually have 6 or more legs. The reason for having many legs is that they can still keep their balance even when they lift a few of their legs. For flat surfaces, rolling robots are preferred to use; because of their wheels, they can easily move around. When you need to search for specific areas, make sure that you determine the type of terrain so that you will be able to choose the right mobile robot to use.